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Video: To prep for marathon's 2nd lap, 'Club' teaches spin class (No Walkers accepted)

by Jeremy Hooper

While a personal setback for those same-sex couples who were hoping to have their long overdue unions solemnized ASAP, yesterday's decision to grant proponents’ request to stay Judge Walker's judgment while the appeal is decided at the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit was not any way a smackdown of the merits contained in Judge Walker's thoroughly reasoned 136-page decision. Now was in any way a defeat for the side of equality. In fact, the court's fast track scheduling and pointed command for Prop 8 proponents to show why they have a legal right to appeal could mean a quicker path to moving forward.

Though to hear "The 700 Club" tell it, you'd think Prop 8 had just passed again:

"Overturned," Pat? Oh how you wish that Walker's ruling would/will be. In fact, considering the overall conversation changer that this case is proving to be, both in terms of the merits of bias and the anti-LGBT side's ability to argue in favor of them, we'd imagine that most Americans who choose the "pro-family" lifestyle would live to wipe this entire process from the national consciousness. But the reality is that Walker's landmark ruling is Step 1 in a process that will be remembered for a very long, long time. And yesterday was just another step. One that installed an annoying roadblock for some, yes. But one that did absolutely nothing to blowup the bridge on the other side!

Oh, and just stop with the "walker should have recused himself" thing. Not only is that litmus test deeply offensive -- it's one that's going to bit the conservative movement in the booty from here on out, should restraint not be places on this nakedly political attack line.

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