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And 40 do not

by Jeremy Hooper

This is among the Perry v. Schwarzenegger amicus briefs being filed this week by various conservative groups:

CHEYENNE -- Wyoming and nine other states will file a legal brief today saying a federal court "exceeded its judicial authority" when it ruled that the U.S. Constitution requires legal marriage to include same-sex couples.
The other states joining the brief are Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia.
Wyoming, nine other states say gay marriage not a fundamental right [Star-Tribune]

News to which the fairne$$-minded members of ten state's tourism boards just responded by smacking their foreheads then slowly bringing the digits across their faces in the most dramatic of frustrated fashions.


**The other anti-equality briefs come from groups like the "ex-gay" group PFOX, the Family Research Council, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. See them here.


**UPDATE: Actually, it looks like the total of states is up to 13, with the Attorneys General of Alaska, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Virginia joining the aforementioned ten:

Prop 8 State Amicus

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