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Ann does what Ann does; Jeremy opens mouth wide, raises fists, and lets out a big -- yawn.

by Jeremy Hooper

Saturday night at GOProud's "HomoCon" fundraiser in NYC, Ann Coulter reportedly (and predictably) said this nugget of whatever-ness to a room full of gay people:

Marriage “is not a civil right – you’re not black,” Coulter said to nervous laughter. She went on to note that gays are among the wealthiest demographic groups in the country.

“Blacks must be looking at the gays saying, ‘Why can’t we be oppressed like that?’”

*MORE: They're gay, conservative and proud [Politico]

But despite how thoroughly tiresome the act seems like it'd be for the performer at this point, Ms. C apparently didn't limit her bizarre need to jib and jab her way through any and every speech at just the above marriage comments. Journalist Megan Carpentier tweeted these other charming takeaways from her vantage point on site:

Coulter: the gays "ought to start being antiabortion because "once they find the gay gene, guess who's getting aborted"
Coulter now on about pre-marital sex, "fisting in schools" and liberals who "aren't really gay they just hate dad" #homocon
Ann Coulter, "I happen to be religious." She then parrots the pro-Prop 8 arguments that failed at trial. #homocon
@megancapentier [Twitter]

6A00D8341C503453Ef0133F2E32117970B-1Offensive quips passed off as jokes? Shock value? An odd need to divide rather than unite? Uh huh. So basically it sounds like GOProud got the exact Ann Coulter that they sought: One who as a pundit makes a good agitator/performance artist, and who as a gay activist makes a good, uhm -- reason to stay home and watch this week's DVRed "Modern Family" episode instead?

But hey, such is GOProud's organizational right, making bookings like these. All going up against the reality of GOProud's political right: A movement that still uses words like "traditional marriage" and still votes in a unanimous senatorial block against DADT repeal.

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