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Audio: Iowans should fire people for capably fulfilling their duties

by Jeremy Hooper

Vander-plaats-judges-iowaBob Vander Plaats, the man who's heading up the effort to oust three of the nine state Supreme Court justices who joined the unanimous decision that brought marriage equality to Iowa, made an appearance on the uber-incendiary Bryan Fischer's AFA radio show yesterday.

*SOURCE: Focal Point [AFA radio]

They don't care about informing the public about the independent judiciary's role. Or more accurately: They fully care about obfuscating the court's role! Motivated not by true feelings of un-American undermining, but rather than on personal discomfort with the homo-secks. THAT is the reason why they are trying to fire three learned members of the bench.

They can call this a fight for "freedom" all they want. But they cannot force their own judicial activism into a constitution that proudly rejects it.


*Here's Vander Plaats' "Iowa For Freedom" site. It's pretty bare right now, but we should keep an eye on it.

*And let's not forget what Bryan Fischer is all about:

-The time Mr. Fischer likened us to "arsenic" and "napalm" and "toxins"
-The time Mr. Fischer said "homosexuals should be disqualified from public office"
-The time Mr. Fischer said that "homosexuals in the military gave us...six million dead Jews."
-The time Mr. Fischer called on Christian conservatives to breed gays and progressives out of existence
-The time Mr. Fischer declared that "Every time an HIV-infected male has sex with another male, it's essentially the same as plunging an infected heroin needle into his arm. He's passing on a potential death sentence, just as the Taliban seeks to do on a foreign battlefield."
-The time Mr. Fischer said only gays were savage enough for Hitler
-The time Mr. Fischer invoked a Biblical story about stabbing "sexually immoral" people with spears, saying we need this kind of action in modern day
-The time Mr. Fischer compared gays to heroin abusers
-The time Mr. Fischer told us to just shut up
-The time Mr. Fischer oddly interpreted past historical oppressions
-The time Mr. Fischer directly compared laws against gay soldiers to those that apply to bank robbers

**ALSO: Listen to what the man who wrote the Varnum opinion, Mark Cady, has to say about the court's role in making this decision: Activist Video: Activist Iowa judge actively giving activist speech on active activist decision! [G-A-Y]

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