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Audio: Why can't junk scientists utilize *their* right to privacy?
AHHHH! I'm having an LSD flashback. It's one that goes all the back to my very first memories, when I would peep at "Scooby Doo" and pay much more attention to the ascoted Freddy than I would to the skirted Daphne. Vivid and full, it's a hallucination that has been an ongoing thing in my mind for the past 30 years now!
Oh and by "LSD," I of course mean "lifelong sexual desire," and by "hallucination" I'm clearly referring to my brain's benign orientation towards boys and only boys. Which, according to Peter LaBarbera's recent "Truth Academy" speaker Ryan Sorba, is something that's perfectly fit to be compared to acid-dropping and emu-shtooping :
(click to play audio clip)
*AUDIO SOURCE: Sorba intereview [AFTAH]