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Crist waffle iron to finally heat evenly?

by Jeremy Hooper

CristAccording to our pals over at Raw Story, the historical mixed bag that is Charlie Crist is set to come out of the proverbial gay rights closet:

MIAMI -- Charlie Crist, the current governor of Florida and Independent candidate for US Senate, is prepared to issue a ringing endorsement of gay rights in a document slated to be released as early as this week, according to a copy of a position paper provided in advance Sunday to RawStory.com.
The document provided to RawStory.com includes Crist's vocal support for gay couples, including hospital visitation, inheritance and adoption rights; opposition to the ban on gays serving in the military; support for anti-discrimination laws and appropriations for HIV and AIDS programs.

Exclusive: Florida Governor Charlie Crist prepared to endorse broad swath of gay rights [Raw Story]

You can thank Republican challenger Marco Rubio for doing to Crist what countless heartfelt stories from constituents could not.

However, it doesn't look like full marriage rights are to be included in the plan, only civil unions. Because in naked poll-watching, naked ring fingers are still de rigeuer.

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