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Iowa For Freedom: Cowards.

by Jeremy Hooper

Iowa For Mob Rule "Iowa For Freedom" is the Sandra Day O'Connor-misrepresenting group that wants to remove Iowa state Supreme Court justices who did nothing more than join the unanimous decision that granted marriage equality to same-sex couples. But of course by "freedom," this group actually means banning any comments that go against their own views:


[SOURCE POST, where only two comments have been approved, both in favor of their fallacies]

Because that's how our "culture war" opposition most always operates: In a realm where they can dupe their followers with outright lies about a retired Supreme Court justice's views, rather than a world where plying the public with informed facts is even acceptable, much less crucial.

What are you so afraid of, "Iowa For Freedom"?


*EARLIER: Iowa For Freedom: Liars (this post contains another of our unapproved comments).

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