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Iowa For Freedom: Dangerous IFF followed

by Jeremy Hooper

The Iowa For Freedom folks are revealing more about the motivations behind their vindictive, anti-civic, primarily faith-based, highly partisan, miseducative attempt to oust three of the justices who did nothing more than cast an opinion that goes against IFF's own homo-hostile views. Listen in as IFF head Bob Vander Plaats puts "God's law" above civil scrutiny, tells Iowans that this ruling will lead to just about everything else in their lives eventually being taken away, and quite literally make the state's high court seem like a special Gay Pride-themed episode of "Judge Judy" that the state's conservatives have a right to shut off at whim:

I think what bothers me the most about this campaign (other than the obvious) is that I guarantee you the conservative leaders who are behind this campaign (Vander Plaats, NOM, AFA, etc) know 100% that they're flat-out lying about the court and its role. If they are honest with themselves, these political veterans have to know that the court didn't "make law": It found existing limitations to be unconstitutional under the law. Unconstitutional limitations can't stand simply because a bare majority of religious-motivated folks want them to! If these conservatives don't understand that very simple reality, then they know nothing about justice and the role it played in the same civil rights history that they like to exploit!

But of course what these conservatives know even more is that they still have the ability to exploit disinformation and fears. And since their new strategy is to "send a message," with the belief that a few more public image "victories" will slow the pro-equality community's inevitable march towards critical mass, they are looking for any kind of example that they can make. Whether it be a floundering candidate of some sort who they can target and then claim that the candidate's defeat was their doing, or a campaign like this Iowa one, where the judges really can't (or at least won't) launch counter efforts to defend their jobs: The NOM/"pro-family/conservative politician coalitions are looking for whatever PR "wins" they can stage. Facts, careers, and co-equal branches of government be damned!



*Some supporter vids, largely echoing what they've been told:


*Our complete archive: Iowa For Freedom [G-A-Y]

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