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New CWA church insert: Aims at the heart, since the mind will surely be blown
The following Concerned Women For America church bulletin insert is not only offensive because of its aggressive tale of homosexuality needing to be "sacrificed to God" in the way that a father might theoretically sacrifice his son. But also look at the way they are pushing it on people:
"Aims at the heart"? "Demands a sincere response from anyone seeking to please God"? Of course they say all this while completely shutting out any scientific evidence or theological interpretation that diverges from their own faith-based biases. Oy!
Have a look at what CWA wants churches to tell congregants:
Though personally, I'm just confused about how they both roomed together inside a "collage." From my observances, most pieces of art in which bits of photographs are joined together and stuck on to backing are much too small to accommodate even one person, much less two.