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NOM yaps about 'slippery slopes', fails to realize own lack of D.C. traction

by Jeremy Hooper

In reaction to last night's primary, the only thing that the National Organization For Marriage can find to crow about is their role in painting New Hampshire Republican Bill Binnie as a liberal, which they claim played an instrumental role in knocking him out of the GOP senate contest (ads that have led Binnie to file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, with the accusation that NOM and their allies at Cornerstone Policy Research illegally brainstormed with Kelly Ayotte's campaign). However, the real NOM story from last night is the fact that one of their most aggressive campaigns failed and failed BIG TIME!

The candidate in question: D.C. City Council hopeful Delano Hunter, who you might remember from NOM mailers like these:

Nom 1 Large
Nom 2 Large

And there was also the appearance that Hunter made at NOM's D.C. tour stop, where both the organization and the candidate hoped to secure some momentum with the whole "let us vote on marriage" position

However, in last night's election for pro-equality council member Harry Thomas Jr.'s seat, Delano Hunter only managed to grab a paltry 20% of the vote. And as for Thomas Jr.? He retained his seat with a whopping 62%!

Take it away, Chris Geidner:

On Tuesday, Sept. 14 – with a wide swath of primary elections across the country – the National Organization for Marriage focused its attention on one race: a challenge to marriage-equality supporter D.C. City Councilmember Harry Thomas Jr.

NOM failed.

Thomas, a Democrat who voted for the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Equality Amendment Act of 2009, is confident that his vote was not just right, but also good politics, saying, ''[I]f I had been on the other side of this issue as a councilmember, I wouldn't have been as successful [in my re-election campaign].''

Thomas Trounces Hunter [Metro Weekly]

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