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'The Call'? Oh here, it's for you, Courage Campaign
Tonight and tomorrow, this will happen:
And fortunately, our dutiful (masochistic?) pals over at the Courage Campaign will be on site live to cover the whole thing! Follow their constantly updated coverage here:
We're gonna also try to bring you as many sights and sounds and whatnots as possible. But not gonna lie: It's Labor Day Weekend, and this writer has a whole lotta summer breeze to suck up before I move on to long pants and pumpkin-flavored everythings. So don't waste too much time hitting that refresh key.
*FLASHBACK: At least Mike Huckabee's speaking from experience. Back in the early '70s, he was a youth attendee of Explo '72, which was kind of like "The Call" of its day:
Huck has quite a long reputation of "recruiting kids," huh?
**SEE ALSO: Sounds from 2008's pre-Prop 8 "Call": Eavesdropping on the 'The Call' [G-A-Y]