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Video: 'Geneous' plan: Buck wants military to be homo-

by Jeremy Hooper

Here's Ken Buck, the Colorado GOP candidate who's challenging Democratic incumbent for a U.S. Senate seat:

"It's one thing to deny someone access to the military and to a career in the military, it's another thing to -- for morale purposes and other purposes -- make sure that we are as homogeneous as possible in the military in moving towards the common goal of the security and the military action, as opposed to the distractions that are caused by allowing lifestyle choices to become part of the discussion."

Ken Buck Opposes DADT Repeal: Military Should Be 'As Homogeneous As Possible' (VIDEO) [Think Progress]

"Allowing lifestyle choices to become part of the discussion"?! What Ken, do you mean the choice of certain people like yourself to turn this should-be simple matter into an overwrought discussion, simply because you refuse to accept that "but, but, but -- the gays" is not an okay basis for civil bias?! Because as far as we can tell, fighting and possibly dying for the country and family that you love is the same exact choice, whether the "tell my wife I love her" deathbed wish comes from a male or a female soldier. The "distraction" is your own conservative crew's creation, buddy!

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