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Video: In audition for role of Boxer, Carly uses Prop

by Jeremy Hooper

Carly Fiorina (R) wants to take Barbara Boxer's (D) U.S. Senate seat. A seat that would force gays to seat their own behinds in the back of society's bus:

Boxer is a lock-solid vote against DOMA, not to mention any theoretical federal marriage amendment that might arise. She is a Democrat who's actually pushing back strongly against the opposition, which matters greatly in a world where the fight-provoking "culture warriors" still shout at decibel levels that vastly outpace the principled political pushback. Plain and simple: We can't afford to lose these voices of positive change.

But Fiorina does highlight one valid point: The president has GOT. To. Step. It. Up! He is being outpaced by voices to his right. He's hanging on to past oppressions, when his own past record of marriage support would be a much better cave to mine. In keeping his untenable hesitancy alive, the President, a constitutional scholar, is allowing voices like Fiorina to use him as political cover, a smokescreen that's hurting his own personally-backed candidates (like Boxer). And perhaps most disheartening in terms of the longview: He's forfeiting his opportunity to be a great leader on a historical civil rights battle.

Right now, Barack Obama has the access of his life. He's that friend who always has house seats to the best games and shows. The guy with the best table in the best restaurants. The poker buddy whose cancellation would throw off the whole game. We sincerely hope he finds the benign, easy fortitude to be our (and Barbara Boxer's) unapologetic, unqualified friend before his own golden opportunities lose their luster.

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