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Video: NOM affiliate vid looks to mid-'90s, rejects 'Friends' from NBC (Non-Biased Congress)

by Jeremy Hooper

"One Man, One Woman," the splinter group that runs the National Organization For Marriage's official Facebook page, has created a new campaign video targeting senators for casting one single vote fourteen years ago:

So wait, voters are supposed to knock out Boxer and Feingold solely because they opposed a measure that courts are increasingly seeing as unconstitutional, that numerous onetime supporters (including the president who signed it) have since come out against, and that serves no purpose other than to divide a nation that is in crucial need of coming together to fight common societal ills? Only in the contrived "protect marriage" world could a principled stand against unwarranted bias be seen as a liability!


**Oh, and this NOM affiliate has posted the above video to the same YouTube page where, in another video, they claim that gays are seeking "polygamy, pedophilia, and prostitution":

(1:18 mark)

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