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Video: Tony's TV priorities: Making 'Real Housewives' drama seem that much less frivolous
Not sure which is most annoying about the following clip:
-Tony's aggressive attempt to misinform the audience about Judge Walker's ruling, acting as if it would force Christians to personally accept, preach in favor of, or perform same-sex marriage ceremonies (hint: it won't!).
-That someone like Tony can talk for over twenty minutes about the California marriage case with several mentions of the voters who voted in favor of bias, yet not once mention the near-half of the state voters who came out against Prop 8, or the millions of gay people who are deeply affected by it. In what other political matter is that kind of oversight okay?!
-The host's constant attempts to rile up a Texas vs. gays mentality (e.g. "As long as there's a Texas, there'll be a moral course"; "This wouldn't happen in Big D, now would it?")
-The host's aggressively anti-intellectual explanation of how our republic supposedly works, which wholly ignores the crucial role of our independent judiciary
-The very fact that TBN had Tony on for two segments to discuss the biggest problems currently affecting our government and way of life, and gay people's basic rights, fair treatment, and happiness is what he chose to discuss.
But hey, why choose just one piece o' annoyance? Here's Tony's full appearance from last night's edition of TBN's "Praise The Lord":