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#VVS2010: Give me Liberty or give me depth

by Jeremy Hooper

This writer was somewhat shocked when I first saw that the Liberty Counsel, a group that's so far to the right of even the organized anti-LGBT movement the they've publicly criticized the Prop 8 defense for not putting "ex-gay" researchers and other like minds on the witness stand, is this year co-sponsoring the Family Research Counsel's Values Voters Summit. Usually there's a little more distance between Liberty and just about everyone else in the movement, with more "mainstream" groups like Focus on the Family instead taking the prominent co-sponsorships. But then again, this is a year when the GOP elephant seems to have determined that fringe is due for a fashion revival -- so I guess groups who write poems that "satirically" liken same-sex marriage to human-man-tree marriage are the new black.

So now, after watching a commercial for Liberty and its associated University, listen to Liberty head Mat Staver explain why only God is allowed to shape civil public policy in this American experiment, as well as attack Kevin Jennings for wanting "children as young as five years of age to have sex with one another" and paint the supposed "protection of marriage" as a self-evident right that cannot be reconsidered by modern government. Sorry, all progress since the 1700s:

Mat Staver [AFA]

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