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Chuck Hurley: 'Healing' openly gay students before they become openly fair-minded judges
Back in the spring of '08, Iowa's Chuck Hurley raised eyebrows when, instead of working to actually combat the clear and demonstrable problem that is anti-LGBT bullying in America's schools, he made the feeble/dangerous/offensive choice to write a letter asking straight kids to "pray throughout the day for the salvation and healing of openly gay students":
Now fast forward two years and change. Even as we speak, Hurley is on board the so-called "Judge Bus," motoring around the Hawkeye State as part of the National Organization For Marriage/Family Research Council/Iowa For Freedom effort to remove pro-equality Supreme Court justices:
Because what better authority on judging than a man who looks the most vulnerable student population directly in the eye and determines that they, and not the youthful stone-casters, are the ones in need of "values"?