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We echo the sentiments of our pal Kyle over at Right Wing Watch: It's pretty shocking to hear the Family Research Council not only turning a blind eye to Sen Jim DeMint's recent comments about firing gay teachers, but actually coming out and saying that the South Carolina Republican's comments are too on point to even require defense:
"You know I was going to write a piece defending Senator Jim DeMint (R-eal conservative) over some heat he has been getting over comments on marriage and morality. Then I looked at the short list of the people complaining about him, including at least one group that claim to be conservative but whose agenda is anything but. I ultimately came to the conclusion the strongest conservative in the Senate doesn’t need defense from a schlep like me against a small bunch of small minded people who think government is the answer to force and enforce a twisted view of marriage and who believe it is okay if taxpayer dollars are used to pay for abortions." -FRC's Tom McClusky
FRC: DeMint So Right In Wanting Gays Banned From Classroom We Don't Even Have To Defend Him [FRC]
Here we thought the matter of firing gay teachers had pretty much run its course in the mid '70s, when, even in the height of Anita Bryant's juicy squeezes, California voters rejected the "holy mother of crazy!"-inducing notion when they turned down the so-called Briggs Initiative. But then again, we also thought that criminalizing and deporting gays were both thrown out of the question years before Briggs, and yet a Family Research Council staffer has suggested both of those things in just the the past two years.
So, okay, yeah -- Mr. McClusky can write off DeMint's critics as "small minded," if he thinks that's good strategy. Somehow, knowing what we do about the human mind, we're not all that scared that the wanton termination of qualified teachers who happened to have come down with a case of teh gay is ever going to win an intellectual weightlifting contest!
*EARLIER: The uber-incendiary Bryan Fischer (who recently spoke at FRC's Values Voters Summit) has also leapt to DeMint's offense.