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Elsewhere on this Sat. night, a grown man is doing this to a gay couple's wedding photo
In almost six years of G-A-Y, I've never once attacked a person, always instead focusing on the issues. And even though the bizarrely obsessive anti-LGBT entity that is Peter LaBarbera has chosen to do this to one of my wedding photos....
...I still won't attack this person in anger.
Peter (presumably) has his own conscience and shame system to answer to. Nothing I could say here would exacerbate the questions that surely (or at least should) weigh on his and his loved ones' minds.***
*EARLIER: Just days before the ceremony, Pete wrote me an unsolicited email for the sole purpose condemning my wedding: Because a toaster would've been too sane [G-A-Y]
**EARLIER2: A second condemnation, from this past spring: The state of NY (by way of CT) happens to disagree
**EARLIER3: Fortunately a more prominent American personality saw joy in our union: As Goes Martha [G-A-Y]