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Elsewhere on this Sat. night, a grown man is doing this to a gay couple's wedding photo

by Jeremy Hooper

In almost six years of G-A-Y, I've never once attacked a person, always instead focusing on the issues. And even though the bizarrely obsessive anti-LGBT entity that is Peter LaBarbera has chosen to do this to one of my wedding photos....

Screen Shot 2010-10-23 At 6.43.34 Pm

...I still won't attack this person in anger.

Peter (presumably) has his own conscience and shame system to answer to. Nothing I could say here would exacerbate the questions that surely (or at least should) weigh on his and his loved ones' minds.***

*EARLIER: Just days before the ceremony, Pete wrote me an unsolicited email for the sole purpose condemning my wedding: Because a toaster would've been too sane [G-A-Y]

**EARLIER2: A second condemnation, from this past spring: The state of NY (by way of CT) happens to disagree

**EARLIER3: Fortunately a more prominent American personality saw joy in our union: As Goes Martha [G-A-Y]

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