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He's aware that 'drilling young men' isn't a euphemism, right?
The Thomas More Law Center and the American Family Association keep the predatory homosexual meme alive:
But Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), does not think the president cares about how unjust and discriminatory it will be for heterosexual service members when the military is taken over by radical homosexuals.
"If you try to have a sergeant drilling and overseeing a bunch of young men, and that sergeant happens to be homosexual, you can just imagine what kind of coercion there is going to be," he warns. "If this ever happens, you're going to see a lot of violence; you're going to see a lot of young men leaving the military, and you're going to have unintended consequences that can only be imagined today."
What homosexual-run military could lead to [ONN]
Yep, we can absolutely imagine what will happen: The drill sergeant will do his job in accordance with the same military conduct standards that apply now and will continue to apply after DADT is repealed. Should the sergeant not, he will be rightly disciplined and possibly even discharged. The same way a soldier who engages in inappropriate sexual conduct with an opposite-sex cadet, performs some other kind of unlawful coercion, or yes, administers some sort of anti-gay violence, will also be dealt with by the military code of conduct and its arbiters.
But yea, Mr. Thompson: You go right ahead and act as if equality supporters are seeking a government sanctioned orgy pass, replete with a special set of rules that allows a gay man to say or do whatever he wants to a straight soldier without any degree of reprisal. These ridiculous Don't Ask Don't Tell claims will only speed up the rate at which your socially conservative cause will reach its inevitable "Don't Listen" future.