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If you retain the Iowa judges, communists win. Or something.

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2010-10-28 At 4.48.21 PmThe National Organization For Marriage is still working the canard the claims pro-retention voices are rejecting the right to vote on judges itself. Though this time, with Soviet Union compares thrown in for some extra conservative oomph:

In Iowa the great Judge Bus tour continues to make history, rolling through the Iowa countryside to possibly one of the greatest and most historic victories of our time: victory over judicial arrogance, ignorance and tyranny! The Judge Bus is making a whistle-stop tour of dozens of Iowa towns with one great message: The people of Iowa have a right to vote no to judges.


That may seem obvious. After all, it's not really an election unless the people have a choice. The Soviet Union held faux-elections where the results were foreordained. And the elites of Iowa have gathered together to try to send an amazingly similar bad message: There's something wrong with you if you flip the ballot and vote no on judges. They are trying to shame the good people of Iowa into the idea that it's wrong to vote "no" on judges.

No. Please. Stop. You're wrong. You discourage deep thought on this issue. Blah, blah blah, blah. [::Yawn::]

So as not to sound like a broken record (kids, ask your parents), we're just going to re-link our other "Iowa For Freedom" posts from today:

Audio: Iowa for (reductive, one-dimension retention)

Unimagined rights', detailed by advocates of gay-less fantasy world

Or go read Brian Brown's full e-blast and form your own fatigued frustrations:


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