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@JudgeBus Day 1: Aggressive, willful ignorance as substitute for fact
- "The people" vs the "arrogant, rogue judges"
- Ensuring that the law passes the constitutional smell test (i.e. the very role of a judge) is somehow "making law" for the first time in U.S. civil rights history.
- "The people" have somehow earned the right to vote on a minority population's freedoms.
- Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) acting like he's an Iowa expert.
- Generalized contempt (oftentimes accompanied with actual groans) for the independent judiciary, California, Connecticut, and, oh yeah -- freedom.
It was a busy day of pushing deliberately unsophisticated talking points into the Hawkeye State, in hopes of firing three learned, accomplished people who did nothing more than their jobs:
*SEE ALSO: Our complete Iowa For Freedom archive
*SEE ALSO: “Judge Bus” kickoff turns into #NOMturnoutFAIL embarrassment in Iowa: Equality supporters 98, NOM 42 [Courage Campaign]
*UPDATE: And now for something completely different: