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New NOM/Iowa For Freedom strategy: Iowa judges wrong b/c of distance from Boston

by Jeremy Hooper

*NOTE: This is the ad referenced in this post.


*UPDATE: Here's what scholar Mark McCormick actually said, sans fear noises and editing:

"There is no such thing as an 'activist judge,' in the sense that I'm aware of -- in the sense of a judge who does not believe that he or she is carrying out his or her responsibility -- it's really just common knowledge, I think, among members of the bar and the judiciary that the role of the courts is to interpret and to assure that the statutes and constitution are enforced, and it's not activist to interpret the Equal Protection Clause of the federal and state constitutions to a situation following precedent."

**UPDATE, 10/21: Our response to this ad


*MORE: McCormick calls out the campaign for what it is, while IFF head Bob Vander Plaats refuses to tell the public where the money's coming from:

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