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Shirley's SCOTUS notes: Loved the women, not so much Alito or America
From: Shirley L Phelps-Roper <[email protected]>A way with words, that one.
Date: October 7, 2010 6:53:01 AM EDT
Subject: Re: SCOTUS. BP
To: Good As You <[email protected]>
I am floating home on a cloud of euphoria. We got to tell the conscience of Doomed america that if they would stop with the proud sin the soldiers would stop dying.
Alito was a serious disappointment. I don't know why I would expect him to man up and tell a squally rebel to drink a frosty mug of shut the hell up and AVERT your eyes.
On the other hand, the three women were lions of proper and simple First Amendment Law. When a nation is cursed of God, everything becomes so complicated and there [i]s no MAN among the people, so I find that dynamic to be altogether perfect.
Shortly this nation is going to crack open like a walnut and be cast into the sea. The horrors of it will make this nation of girly boys beg for some good old-fashioned troops from Iran or China pouring into your borders and laying you waste.
In that hour, not one soul in the earth will give a fat fart about the first amendment or this rotten to the core nation of sissy rebels' emotions or FEEEELINGS.
No joke, those judges were having a discussion in the highest court of the land about who the "YOU" is on our signs that say God Hates You and You Are Going To Hell. How sweet. The thinking at that moment was - perhaps we can pretend those signs the prophets have held for 20 years all over the nation every day in more than 44,000 distinct locations were made just for Al our pal Crybaby. Then with some pretzel twisting we can create a cause of action. At that moment Justice Ginzburg came forth with this Jewell: I think it means the whole society, the whole rotten society!
True dat!!
Your friend
Shirley Phelps-Roper
Sent from my iPhone
(*Photo: Megan Phelps)