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So what, Brian Brown, you just took our high court-backed civil rights for sport?
The entire focus of the Proposition 8 campaign -- THE. ENTIRE. FOCUS! -- was on telling California citizens that gay people, via their unmufflered civil marriages, would reshape society, harm children's lives, and warp religious freedom in ways dissimilar from heterosexual couples. Unapologetically, the Prop 8 backers told the voting public that opposite-gender marriage is a public good, but same-sex marriage is a civil wrong. In fact, the National Organization For Marriage's Maggie Gallagher, a major prop 8 backer, still uses that very language: "It is not discrimination to treat different things differently. Same-sex marriage is not a civil right, it is a civil wrong."
But don't you dare offer an accurate assessment of what the Prop 8 backers so tangibly did and do. Because if you note the undeniable historical record, NOM president Brian Brown will accuse you of "character assassination, pure and simple":
"Fight back"? Ha! That's like the fabled wolf "fighting back" against the first two little pigs for forcing him to waste so much huff and puffery!