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Video: Iowa activist [noun] judges [verb]

by Jeremy Hooper

We keep thinking we're going to wake up from the anti-civic nightmare of Iowa Supreme Court justices having their jobs threatened because of one single (unanimous) opinion out of the thousands that they've taken on in their careers. From the nightmarish idea that certain people's personal faith objections are meant to roll back others' civil rights. The idea that majority votes should decide the application of civil law to a minority population. The idea that "But what about the children?!?!?!" should matter more than the sound arguments that were actually presented to the court. The idea that it's fair to wage well-financed, largely partisan campaigns against judges who can not, will not, and should not enter into the contentious waters of political campaigning. The idea that blatantly misrepresenting the highly respected Sandra Day O'Connor is an acceptable thing to do. The idea that a co-equal branch of America government has somehow been neutered of its responsibilities -- the same exact responsibilities that have settled past civil rights matters, even when public opinion was much more against these matters than current polling is against same-sex marriage.

But unfortunately, the so-called "Iowa For Mob Rule" "Iowa For Freedom" group keeps making more videos showing us that this nightmare is in fact a reality in 2010 America:

Uh huh, right. You're the one being "attacked," Mr. Laudner. That's like a vindictive guest at a grade school sleepover saying that the decision to put itching powder in a classmate's sleeping bag was justified because said classmate had the nerve to complain when his or her mere existence was used as the archetypical antagonist in one of the slumber party's earlier-told ghost stories!

The truth: Mr. Laudner and company's campaign against the Iowa judges goes against everything that the fair and independent judiciary can, is, and should be about. Here's just hoping that a larger portion of the Iowa public will reserve their torches and pitchforks for Halloween night and not election day. Our shared America's treats are counting on the principled rejection of these ghastly unfair tricks!

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