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Video: [Iowa for] Freedom '10: ♫ All we have to do is take these lies and make them true somehow

by Jeremy Hooper

Iowa For Freedom's Bob Vander Plaats and WHO Radio's Jan Mickelson claim the monolithic collective known as "they" doesn't want to debate?

Well we did debate already! In court. Of law. Where the Supreme Court unanimously sided with our side's arguments!

The justices "made up the constitution" to "ram rights"? Uhm, Mr. Vander Plaats and Mr. Mickelson: Try, we used the constitution, as written, to remove limitations that were placed on civil rights! Even if you hate our marriages (which we know you do) at least have the fortitude to admit that nothing new was created here. The court's role was to test a bar -- that bar failed!

And as for the politics at play? Well of course people with political offices and ties, current or former, are stepping in to defend a co-equal branch of our government. Who should do so, Snooki?!

Look, the thing is that we see a need to not only protect marriage equality, but also to protect the careful understanding of our independent judiciary's role for America's young people. What's Mr. Vander Plaats' concern?

Wait a minute: He, a principal, wants to tell students that "seven people violated the rules"?! As if they are kids late for the bell, and Mr. Vander Plaats is gonna give them detention (or non-retention, as it were) for running in the hall (of justice)?! And even if Principal Vander Plaats disagrees with these kids: He's seriously suggesting that they should expelled because of one perceived misstep out of a full, learned career?

Oy. Never has there been a better reason for students at Mr. Vander Plaats school to play hooky! Or, more pertinently: For the social studies/civil rights history/civics teachers to stand up and make their voices heard!

But hey, at least Mr. Vander Plaats isn't doing that annoying far-right thing that suggests gays, through their CIVIL MARRIAGE pushes, are gunning for the evangelical church:

(click to play audio clip)
*AUDIO SOURCE: Jan Mickelson Show, 10/5/10 [WHO Radio]



*SEE ALSO: Our complete "Iowa For Freedom" Archive

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