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Video: Oy! Bad 'choice', Ms Jarrett

by Jeremy Hooper

Start watching around 3:30 to hear a truly astounding phrase:

(H/t Towle)

Nails on chalkboard.

Screeching train wheels.

An uptempo Gaga dance mix followed by Anita Bryant's rendition of Battle Hymn of the Republic

"Fred Phelps is sitting behind you at tomorrow night's performance of La Cage Au Folles."


All four of the above are less jarring to the ears of many LGBT activists than is the horribly outdated never-should-have-been-dated phrase "lifestyle choice."  There's really no excuse for a senior White House official (who just spoke to the Human Rights Campaign) to use this language.  

If the accurate sexual orientation terminology is not in your nature, Ms. Jarrett, please nurture it there pronto.  


*UPDATE: She's now apologized [G-A-Y]

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