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Video: Paladino meets with rabbi who's called gays 'moral terrorists', manages to outdo even him
If you're a regular G-A-Y reader, you might know the name Yehuda Levin. He's the uber-fringe Rabbi who is on record calling gays "moral terrorists," blaming LGBT people for things like the Haitian earthquake and 9/11, likening the Hanukkah story to social conservatives' "defeat of liberal Jews & gays," and using some of the most extremist anti-Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal rhetoric imaginable. In terms of rhetoric, Yehuda's a reliable member of the jaw-on-the floor league.
Yet despite Levin being a verbal third rail for anyone interested in grown up political discourse, conservative New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino had no problem cozying up to the anti-gay personality at an afternoon meeting with Hasidic rabbis in Brooklyn. In fact, it's Levin who gave the glowing introduction to Paladino (who he describes as a friend), before said Republican nominee/friend proceeded to give a "values" speech where he admitted that he doesn't want children "brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option--it isn't," alongside similar condemnations (including one about "dysfunctional homosexuals" which the Paladino camp admits was planned but not uttered). See the almost-too-unbelievable footage below:
(H/t: Blabbeando)
This man wants to govern. New York. In 2010. As a "moral values" leader!?!
And don't forget: This is coming just days after local suicides and/or hate crimes that have ripped holes in hearts, lives, and, we'd hope, the blinders that exist over far too many eyes. Yet Mr. Paladino -- the man who wants to top the bill of the state GOP, including the unanimous block of Republican senators who voted against marriage equality -- thinks the path forward is one that should be paved with vicious slurs?!?
There are no two ways around it: This batch of comments will either destroy a candidacy or a state's reputation/population. Because no supporter of basic human fairness could be a part of a New York that has this man at the head.
*UPDATE: Democratic rival Andrew Cuomo is quick to respond:
“Mr. Paladino's statement displays a stunning homophobia and a glaring disregard for basic equality. These comments along with other views he has espoused make it clear that he is way out of the mainstream and is unfit to represent New York.”