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Video: 'This isn't political. Now if you'll excuse me, these two elected officials are going to join me and the president of a special interest group as we hop back on a campaign bus underwritten by one of America's most prolific political action groups.

by Jeremy Hooper

6A00D8341C503453Ef01156Ef9406A970C-1Concerned Woman For America Tamara Scott knows a well-financed, faith-motivated, single-issue campaign from a coalition of out-of-state "pro-family" groups is in no way politicizing Iowa's judicial retention system. In fact, she'll claim that it's "someone from the outside" who's putting that information out there, something she reveals while herself standing next to a NOM spokesman from DC and Congressman Gohmert from Texas (plus Congressman Steve King, who actually is from IA). And she'll say all this to the fives and fives of people who showed up for yesterday's "Judge Bus" tour:

Oh, Ms. Scott: We "understand the system" just fine. We understand the reality, which is that you and your colleagues in the "values" movement detest marriage equality for same-sex couples, and therefore detest the 2009 Varnum opinion. So ever since it issuance, your side has been stamping feet, looking for any sort of catharsis that'll make it feel like the ball is moving somewhat back toward your side. You said it yourself, Ms. Scott, in a CWA press release issued just days after Varnum: You will not "allow high-dollar attorneys funded by the homosexual movement to have the last word in the Heartland." And since a direct vote on the issue is not a logical possibility at this time, you, the self-appointed members of Team Control America's Ring Fingers, are gunning for the judges who simply did their damn jobs -- nothing more, nothing less.

This so-called "Iowa For Freedom" campaign is all about vindication (and vindictiveness). The admitted goal is to send a message. To move the needle, not just in Iowa but across the country. To bully the judiciary, a co-equal branch that is independent from all of this political silliness for very important reasons.

It's because we understand it, Ms. Scott, that we find the effort so detrimental. So dangerous. So short-sighted. So anti-everything American justice (and equal protection and due process) should be about.


*Our complete Iowa For Freedom archive

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