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Video: 'Those justices don't know me or you or what we want...'
More web spots from Iowa For Torches and Pitchforks Iowa For Freedom:
You know when your children are really going to be confused, ladies? If/when they find themselves in front of a court of law, and immediately learn that the judiciary doesn't operate under a "but, but but -- I want it that way!" kind of mentality! Because while pithy talking points might sound good in the short term, most judges are not going to exalt one's personally-held claims or "Let us Vote!" protest signs above, oh, I don't know -- the law and its factual fulfillment!
Look, there are no two ways about it: This current campaign to remove Iowa judges is vindictive, self-centered, largely faith-based, uninformative, and anti-everything that a fair and independent judiciary should be about. Our only hope is that for every kid who's learning the "uh huh, my mom said so" version of why a majority vote is supposedly meant to strike down a reasoned assessment of constitutional fairness, ten more American parents are using this current climate to midwife a truly teachable moment.
**SEE ALSO: Our complete Iowa For Freedom archive