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We appreciate your heart, Maggie. Now stop messing with people's minds/rights/marriages/shared nations!

by Jeremy Hooper

Maggie just left this comment on the NOM Blog:

Screen Shot 2010-10-01 At 1.23.39 Pm
(H/t: Clark Mitchell)

So first and foremost: I totally believe her. I think the vast majority of us know that Maggie Gallagher does not wish harm, much less death, on anyone. In fact, I don't believe that she even wishes mental anguish on anyone, having truly bought into the talking points from her movement which detach the actions from any kind of hurtful intent.

But here's the thing: It doesn't matter what Maggie personally thinks will or will not resolve tragedies like the ones we've seen this week. It doesn't matter how heartfelt her personal condolences may be. What matters is the body of her professional work with NOM and elsewhere, and the fallout that we gay folk all-too-well know can stem from these "culture war" activities! Because it's this bias cultivation that changes the molecules in the air. It's this anti-civil rights work that puts heterosexism into everyone's psyches. It's this fear-fostering that foments a world where LGBT people are viewed as different, wrong, or in some extreme cases -- unworthy of life.

The thing about loose lips: They can sink ships. So too, loose definitions of which humans happened to be born into the right sexualities!

The reality is that none of us have ever grown up in a world where the full population is free to live as they were formed. A very big and undeniable reason for this is the far-right's "culture war" against gay people's lives and loves. A "culture war" that Maggie Gallagher has been a part of for decades now. This writer knows: I've read through her archives more than just about anyone. I've seen the stigmatizing comments, like in 2001 when she referred to homosexuality as a "sexual dysfunction" whose reparative therapy deserves research dollars:

5/14/2001, Maggie uses Dr. Robert Spitzer's study in a way that goes against his own wishes and findings: "I believe there is rather powerful evidence that human beings are a two-sex species, designed for sexual rather than asexual reproduction. If this is true, then the absence of desire for the opposite sex represents, at a minimum, a sexual dysfunction much as impotence or infertility. Human beings seeking help in overcoming sexual dysfunctions deserve our respect and support (and may I mention, President Bush, more research dollars?)." [Source]

Or in '00, when she presented gays as abnormal members of the species:

3/20/2000, Maggie defends Dr. Laura: "In a simple biological framework abstracted from all religion and morality, homosexuality is like infertility. It is a sexual disability preventing certain individuals from participating in the normal reproductive patterns of the human species." [Source]

And of course there's all of Maggie's modern day stuff with NOM, where she's pointedly told gay people that they "can always control" their "unfortunate" behavior:


*AUDIO SOURCE: In The Market with Janet Parshall -- 8/9/10 [Moody Radio]

Or there's the pure callousness that comes out when she "humorously" likens gay people to castrated domestic cocks:

(click to play audio clip)
[*SOURCE: Iowa's WHO radio, Jan Mickelson's show]

I've heard and seen so much from Ms. Gallagher. Much more than I've ever even published. Did Tyler Clementi also experience it? Did Raymond Chase? Did Seth Walsh? Did Asher Brown? Did Billy Lucas?

Well, I of course don't know how familiar any of these five young men were with Ms. Gallagher or NOM. But again: Their personal familiarity with this one "culture war" personality doesn't even matter! Because what I do know without a shred of doubt is that all five men were familiar with the ol' fashioned mental torture that the "pro-family" community so aggressively fosters (sometimes unwittingly, sometimes not so much). And I know that when given the choice of fostering civil peace, Ms. Gallagher instead chose to defend exclusion. That certainly didn't help matters.

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