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WorldNetDaily's Molotov Mitchell: Homosexuality = unmanliness = pederasty = anorexic models
Note 1: Ralph Lauren is heterosexual
Note 2: So is Nigel Barker, one of the three stand-in "gays" sitting at the casting table
Note 3: For the past three years, we've heard countless gays of the male and female variety falling all over themselves to celebrate the wonderment that is Joan Holloway Harris (aka "Mad Men" star Christina Hendricks), in all of her curvy glory
Note 4: Yea? Seriously? Maxim magazines?! That's what Christian conservatives are suggesting to their supporters? I mean, whatever, I don't have a problem with that. But I'm also not placing my life and love on a "traditional" "moral," "sanctity," "poo-smells-like-roses" pedestal.
Note 5: Jillian Michaels has said that she's open to falling in love with either a man or a woman. So yes, while her body's on point, it seems a little hypocritical for an anti-gay conservative to hold her up as the standard of womanhood, while simultaneously exalting heterosexuality as the only acceptable standard for love and sexuality (something Molotov does all the time, not just here).
Note 6: If likening gay men to pederasts is exemplary of being a "real man," then thank our maker for giving us substitute parts!
Note 7: If Molotov is so concerned about anorexia and super-skinny people, then he should probably stop making pieces of visual and audible caca like the following. Because the nausea-induction is sure to be felt by many:
Blame 'gays' for anorexic models [WND]
*EARLIER: The time Molotov said anti-gay Ugandans who wish to make homosexuality a capital offense (sometimes punishable by death) are "more American than Americans": Video: Anti-gay Ugandans are 'more American than Americans'; Also: Hold me mommy, I'm terrified of the far-right [G-A-Y]
*EARLIER: Molotov's completely revisionist take on Harvey Milk, coupled with the facts that bely his claims: Video: Molotov cocktail burns both Milk and truth [G-A-Y]