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Amy Kremer: Social issues will ice the TEA

by Jeremy Hooper

TEA Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer:

Pretty funny that Amy's saying this on Pat Robertson's CBN, arguably the most social issue-focused media outlet in the country. But that being said: This is actually a great thing to hear. (1) Because on its immediate face, this statement would indicate that the TEA candidates who are coming into Congress are not going to try for divisive, anti-intellectual nonsense like the go-nowhere Federal Marriage Amendment. But (2) (and perhaps most effective for our purposes): This kind of comment could drive an even bigger wedge between the coterie with the GOP that is obsessed with the so-called "values" issues (Jim Demint, Mike Huckabee, Michelle Bachmann, etc.) and those who are trying to focus their conservatism on other, real world concerns. This division will shine more light on those who back discrimination, and force voters to make a choice between time-wasting legislation, and those policies that, regardless of where one stands on the political spectrum, can and should be discussed in the public realm without abject bias being attached. The "wedge issues" that were used in former times to divide the entire nation could, in coming years, become the very thing that divides the GOP until it reaches full-blown war within. A war that will force bold choices within the party. A war that, if we who value basic equality for LGBT people handle in the right way, could lead to a broader coalition one the right side of history, with only a marginalized minority of voices still choosing to push wanton homo-hostility (or at the very least, civil intolerance) into 21st century America.

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