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And yet Fred Phelps is a free man. Weird, Janet.

by Jeremy Hooper

Janet-PorterJanet Porter (née Folger) on the now-year-old Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act:

Censorship. Hate-crimes legislation has passed that targets pastors, forbidding them from speaking about homosexuality, same-sex marriage or the dangers that Islam presents to America – part of Marxist censorship. (Not to mention that Obama wants all "fishy" communication to be reported to him.)
Janet Porter: To my fellow enemies [AFA]

You know, because you remember the recent announcement about the government reopening Alcatraz in order to house the tens of thousands of anti-LGBT faith leaders who've been arrested in the past year. Right? Preachers nationwide are now falling all over themselves to praise same-sex couples, lest they be hauled into the slammer. You all read about that in the latest issue of Convenient Fantasies For Feeding Far-Right Talking Points Weekly, yes?

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