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Because why let a good birth announcement go un-politicized?

by Jeremy Hooper

NOM president Brian Brown just welcomed a baby girl. To which we would offer our heartfelt congratulations. Our unqualified joy. Our hope that the child would enter this world in good health, a sound mind, and the freedom to grow as a person, regardless of what she may be or who she may love.

But leave it to a NOM supporter to take any and every chance he can to get in a nasty dig. Check out the middle line of this, the one and only comment posted to Brian's birth announcement:

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It's just constant, both the attempts to make marriage all about procreation, and to make same-sex couples feel purposeless for not being able to create a baby by no method greater than their own shared love. We can offer a simple, "culture war"-detached congratulations because that aforementioned cultural skirmish is a contrivance that exists independently from the full, well-rounded lives that we live within the natural spectrum of the full, well-rounded world. But for those who are only in the gay game because of these same contrived motivations, no moment is too great or small too forfeit a condemnatory opportunity.

So whatever. We'll again send good vibes to and good health wishes to little Madeleine Sophie Brown, because we can stop and focus on the real, rich life that exists independently of political machinations. Let's see a "marriage protector" do that!

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