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Employing discrimination as an act: Far-right back to pushing the 'ENDA will tie our hands' charade

by Jeremy Hooper

Gary Cass of DefendChristians.org works the far-right line on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA):

"Theoretically, we could be faced with situations such as transgendered or homosexual activists applying for jobs at churches or ministries, even though they don't affirm the belief system and certainly don't comply with the values," he notes.
Cass: Kill ENDA Now [ONN]

Oh, you mean those values like not bearing false witness, Mr. Cass? Well based on comments like the above, perhaps outsourcing the compliance department would not be the worst idea in the world!

In truth: ENDA comes with certain religious exemptions. And even without exemptions, employers -- all employers -- retain the right to set certain standards for their potential employees, be they in the area of dress code, work ethic, shared mission and outlook, etc. ENDA simply removes sexual orientation and gender identity from reasons for termination (with, again, certain religious exemptions). Anti-LGBT groups will still have the right to keep activist-motivated individuals from holding certain roles, just as the Human Rights Campaign will retain the right to see a homo-hostile belief system as being an organizational non-starter (though not the right to see heterosexuality as a deal breaker).

Non-discrimination is a good thing. So is truth. This country's "pro-family" far-right needs to stop pink-slipping both.

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