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Forget adult lives. Peter LaBarbera now wants your innocent memories, too

by Jeremy Hooper

Peter LaBarbera:

"I am always perplexed to hear adult homosexual men talk about how they “knew they were gay” from a very young age, say, five years old. Normally, boys don’t even know what sex is, much less homosexuality, in their early years, so such comments in an of themselves seem to indicate dysfunction, at best, or victimhood at the hands of a predator, at worst, in the young lives of these homosexually identified men." [SOURCE: AFTAH's web site, find the link yourself]

Pop culture is filled with imagery of little boys and girls, hand in hand, fetching pails of water or sneaking sweet kisses. Young mothers celebrate kid crushes, complete with predictions of future marriage for the growing tots. In Hollywood and in life, these portraits of youth are painted as the epitome of human purity and innocence:

But leave it to Peter LaBarbera to sexualize these feelings as they apply to LGBT children. Since he's already internalized the notion that the adult gays he challenges lead with the crotch and/or leather ball gag, Peter feels compelled to apply Screen Shot 2010-11-16 At 2.02.23 Pmthese same outlooks to the LGBT population's youthful counterparts. Peter takes the tales of what caught young gay eyes -- which are just as sweet and innocent (and vivid) as hetero peers' own remembrances -- then puts them through his typical spin machine (one that not only slights LGBT children's memories, but also indicts their home lives). The resultant meme is one where lil' Johnny, fresh off a bender of juice boxes and candy cigarettes, bides time between molestations by luring his fellow innocents into rounds of salacious Wii playing. Where lil' Susie turns her back yard pool party into a mini Dinah Shore weekend. Where kid-sex guides the play dates. Where crushes become dysfunctional, simply because the in-born attractions weaken the far-right's requisite "it's a choice" strategy.

So okay, whatever -- Peter can act like he's "perplexed" all he wants. He knows exactly what he's doing here. If he's honest with himself, he knows that all humans have stirring attractions and exciting feelings in their minds long before they have any kinds of growth spurts. In our hyper-analyzed world, these instinctual responses should be among the easiest to let play out naturally. It's only because of certain grown adults' fetish for screwing gay people that the natural course of things becomes a point of interest, conflict, and controversy.

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