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IFI sees civil unions wall-writing, prepares new battering rams

by Jeremy Hooper

With a civil unions vote pending in their state legislature, the Illinois Family Institute is coming out guns a'blazin' to stop progress in The Prairie State. For starters, IFI has created bulletin inserts for local faith leaders to share with congregants:

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In addition, IFI has crafted a web video that's geared toward "proving" that gay activists are not going to stop at civil unions. For now the video is set to private, but this screen grab gives us a sneak peak:

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[Link, currently set to private]

And doesn't "In their own words..." just sound so sinister? Personally, I was pretty sure that we gay activists were coming right out and admitting that we want full equality under the law. But hey -- some political movements get great mileage out of a good fear ellipsis.

So yea -- just a heads up for Illinois residents and those who love them. Some of the national focus is about to come your way. It's time to marry civil union-ize your convictions with courage.


*UPDATE: They've now posted a public (although non-embeddable) version of the video. SURPRISE -- it's gay people saying they want full marriage equality. Shocking, I know: In their own words [YT]

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