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Is that the anti-gay Manhattan Declaration in your pocket or are you just happy to see me (treated like a leper)?
You know that homo-hostile "Manhattan Declaration" that anti-LGBT social conservatives like Chuck Colson and Jim Daly have been trying to make happen? Well guess what: Those who want to protest their gay neighbor's "right to engage in immoral sexual practices, and even a right to have relationships integrated around these practices be recognized and blessed by law" can now find that reductive mindset in a reduced size:
Manhattan Declaration [iTunes]
Oh, and the app is just as anti-free thought as one would expect:
Though in their defense, they did call it a declaration and not a dialogue. Just like they write us of "others" and not equal Americans.
*SEE ALSO Read the manhattan Declaration in full
*UPDATE, 11/30: Since our initial posting, this thing took on a life of its own. All resulting in this: Apple Yanks Anti-Gay App [Mac World]