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One day early (in a repeal process that's years past due)

by Jeremy Hooper

Onward principled soldiers:

Signaling the growing seriousness of the Obama administration's commitment this year to ending the military's ban on gays serving openly in the armed forces, the Defense Department said Sunday that it will release a long-awaited report on the matter earlier than planned because senators are eager to vote on whether to repeal the policy.

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has ordered the report to be released Nov. 30, one day earlier than planned, "to support Congress's wish to consider repeal before they adjourn," Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Sunday.

KEEP READING: Gates to release 'don't ask' report to enable Senate hearings [WaPo]

Which is excellent. When talking about un-American injustice, every second of waiting its a second too long.

If only Santa would be so compliant.

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