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RI: 'Stick to business', says man whose business sticks a stick in equality's eye

by Jeremy Hooper

State-Flag-Rhode-IslandThe National Organization for Marriage's Chris Plante is still working the irreconcilable position of (a) telling Rhode Island lawmakers that "there are more important things to deal with" than marriage, while (b) pushing those same lawmakers to put marriage to a state referendum:

“The National Organization for Marriage- Rhode Island is disappointed that Governor-elect Chafee, elected with only 36% of the vote, and fewer popular votes than Cool Moose Party Candidate for Lt. Governor Bob Healey, refuses to listen to the voice of over 80% of Rhode Islanders who want the right to vote on marriage,” said Christopher Plante, executive director of NOM-RI. “It is clear that Governor-elect Chafee intends to put fringe issues and radical politics over saving Rhode Islanders jobs and securing a prosperous future for our State. NOM – Rhode Island will work with Rhode Islanders to demand their right to vote on marriage, and demand that the Governor-elect sticks to the business of getting Rhode Island back on the right economic track. We are confident that the majority of Assembly-women and men know there are more important things to deal with and we will support their efforts to push for a referendum.”
National Organization for Marriage - Rhode Island Demands Governor-elect Chafee Listen To Voters [NOM]

It's truly astounding. In addition to the aforementioned time-waster claims, Plante's seriously laying phrases like "fringe issues" and "radical politics" at the governor-elect's doorstep? Wow, who does he think the state elected to office, a gigantic mirror?!

The truth, of course, is that this marriage matter isn't going to go away until those who've turned benign equal protection into a "fringe issue" stop their work and move on to actual societal problems. NOM staffers can try to flip this script all they want. The American public has eyes, ears, and a growing consciousness for this issue. When loving gay couples who live and work every day are stacked up against self-appointed marriage warriors whose sole focus is on stopping those same couples from having their tax-paying lives and loves met with the same sense of equal protection and due process, the national cognizance, writ large, will naturally flesh out the differences between those who are splurging seconds on a "culture war" and those who are having their own hourglasses unnecessarily drained by deleterious discrimination.


*EARLIER: NOM in Rhode Island: Don't waste time on marriage -- that's our job [G-A-Y]

*A reminder of how "tragically" Plante sees our lives and loves:

*AUDIO SOURCE: NOM's Chris Plante on Rhode Island radio [NOM]

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