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Video: Huckabee in Iowa, applauds dangerous decision to turn retention process into discriminatory smoke signal
This man wants to be your next president of this supposedly church/state-separated nation, a job that will most certainly come with a few U.S. Supreme Court picks:
"[Retention vote] wasn't personal. It was just business. It was the business of protecting marriage the family. It was the business of believing that there really is a God to whom we are ultimately responsible and accountable, and that we are not merely answering to political governments set up by men, but we ultimately will answer to all things to a holy God who will ask whether or not we held not to a human standard but rather to an eternal standard that supersedes all the of the human standards that can be voted in or voted out. And when we stand by those things it is not personal, it's business."
Full justice-chilling breadth:
[YT: iowanews1]
*Our many posts on the gay-focused Iowa retention vote and why it was so wrongheaded/dangerous (regardless of one's personal view of the judges' careers, btw): Iowa For Freedom Archive [G-A-Y]