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Video: Making amends with mid-'90s Maggie

by Jeremy Hooper

These days she's all about a Federal Marriage Amendment, something she backed even before we on the equality side had a handful of marriage states and obviously before we had a viable Supreme Court case. A proposed federal ban that she and colleagues like Robert George crafted alongside the Bush administration and the GOP in general, then helped turn into the conservative (non-)issue of the last decade.

But back in 1996, a younger version of Maggie Gallagher was not willing to get behind what, in the eyes of many social conservatives, was essentially the FMA of its day: A proposed "Human Life Amendment." You know, because of laws that are enforced at the state level, and whatnot:

(H/t: G-A-Y reader Christopher)

Not a smoking gun or anything. People change. Plus you will never hear this site linking abortion and marriage equality, as the two are apples and carrots.

But still interesting to see how Maggie broke ranks with the more conservative members of her party on this older federal push, but now leads the conservative wing of her party on the 21st century's national charge.


*Of course she also found gay marriage to be a distraction back then. June 17, 1996:

Yup, people certainly do change.

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