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Video: Why can't Americans understand concept of *civil* marriage?

by Jeremy Hooper

More support for "biblical values" pertaining to marriage, complete with the word "fag" at the 1:58 mark and man/donkey comparisons at 6:00:

The thing is: While we'd always push back against his slurs and any attempts to physically encroach in our own life, we actually support this man's right to put every one of these ideas on faith. His own personal faith. His own personal religious ceremony. His own personal "making sweet love to a goat" fears. His own personal house and family. If only he'd add, "...but despite all of these feelings, I support *civil* equality for LGBT taxpayers," we'd have no issue with his right to see his religion as supporting these kinds of "facts."

But that's what our opponents won't realize or at least admit. And hey, why should they, when so few are articulating the root issue in this so-called "culture war"?


*Video pulled. Here's a backup:

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