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'Yes there are, actually'

by Jeremy Hooper

Edcouch, TX:

EDCOUCH - A message of hate on an Edcouch-Elsa High School marquee was a reminder to parents and school officials that they have work to do.

Two words, "no gays," posted in front of Edcouch-Elsa High School was an ugly reminder of what some endure everyday.

Anti-gay Message Found on Edcouch-Elsa High School Marquee [KRGV]

A peculiar waste of time, if you ask us. You'd think biased bullies would at least post a slur or a threat or something that makes them feel tough. But just a simple, factually inaccurate assessment of the homosexual contents within their learning institution? Yawn.

Authorities don't seem to have any leads. Though should they find "..but lesbians are cool" written on another part of school, they will know to look to men who'd like life to be more like a beer commerical.

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