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America on the ropes, says 'pro-family' group on the wane
The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer:
Rarely can you point to a moment in time when a nation consigned itself to the scrap heap of history. Today, when the Senate normalized sexual perversion in the military, was that moment for the United States. If historians want a fixed marker pointing to the instant the United States sealed its own demise, they just found it.
It won’t happen overnight, but happen it will.
And Republicans did not just stand around and watch as our military was shredded before their very eyes, they helped it happen. Shame on them all. [SOURCE]
Which is of course an awesome assessment. For if we've all been living in an America with which this particularly Family Association has self-identified, then it's waaaaaaay past time we mold the remaining national scraps into something new, strong, inclusive and free!
But Bryan aint done yet. No, no -- he's also ignoring the screening processes that accompany all military recruitment and service, the actual nature of disease transmissibility, the differences between sexual orientation and genuine lifestyle choices, and general facts about human beings and their characteristics/qualifications, with the AFA's (and, by extension, the "pro-family" movement's) most prominent liability instead painting "druggies" and "hookers" and gays with one broad, diseased, deeply offensive brush:
People will naturally recoil at the thought of allowing druggies and hookers to serve openly and wantonly in the U.S. military. But how is that different than allowing active homosexuals to serve? In point of fact, it isn’t.
Why, only prudish, antediluvian Neanderthal troglodytes would deny them the opportunity to defend their country! How can we possibly justify such egregious discrimination against such harmless souls? It’s time for the United States military to drag itself (pun intended) into the 21st century! Stop the invidious discrimination against druggies and hookers - now! Sign ‘em up! Let’s get ‘em into our showers and our barracks and foxholes! If we let gays in there, we’ve got to let needle-pushers and street walkers in there! It’s only fair! They’ve been denied the opportunity to serve their country for far too long! This terrible injustice must end! [SOURCE]
Oh you're so witty, Mr. Fischer! Hopefully the scrap heap of history has an open mic night or something.
*REMINDER: Just this past summer, the Family Research Council -- who every major conservative is now defending against the Southern Poverty Law Center's "hate group" claims -- booked Bryan Fischer as a military expert.