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Audio: Gays marry in 'chaos', honeymoon at 'place of dark thinking'
The Alliance Defense Fund's Jordan Lorence wants to thank those of us who support marriage equality. For you see, we have forced Jordan and his colleagues to go into "places of dark thinking" and develop a "common body of wisdom" (a.k.a flawed, code word-laden talking points), so that they can "persevere" and collectively fight the "chaos and deterioration" that will surely result from gays' goal of "marriage deconstruction."
Have a listen:
(← click to play audio clip)
*AUDIO SOURCE: Jordan Lorence Interview [Ruth Institute Podcast]
Lorence thinks he's on the inevitable side of history. That's cute, ain't it?
But then again, maybe Jordan's on to something. Because we have all seen how thoroughly six years of same-sex marriage has destroyed the state of Massachusetts...
Update: Massachusetts Divorce Rate Continues to Decline after Gay Marriage [Irregular Times]