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But if we're deported and jailed on a remote island, we won't care if you call us 'vermin'
So quick question: If you were given the choice between (a) being called "vermin" because of who you are and who you love or (b) being exported or jailed for the same, which option would you choose?
We ask, because Family Research Council Senior Policy Fellow Peter Sprigg is currently working this canard on the FRC's blog:
Where is [J. Richard Cohen's] evidence that Family Research Council, or anyone who works for FRC, has ever said that “all gay men and lesbians are ‘vermin’?” You will search in vain for such a statement.
For the record, FRC believes that every human being, including those who experience same-sex attractions and those who engage in homosexual conduct, is created in the image of God and is loved by Him. How this qualifies as “hate” is a mystery.
SPLC Equates FRC to Neo-Nazis—So Who’s “Demonizing” Whom? [FRC blog]
Which very well may be true. We certainly don't remember ever hearing the word "vermin" come from FRC, and we monitor those kids pretty closely.
But going back to the choice stated at the beginning of the post: Would you rather (a) be called a "vermin" or (b) exported or jailed:
*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]
We know which we would choose for our lives. And thanks to Peter Sprigg's loose lips, we have good (read: mind-numbingly frightening) insight into what he'd choose as well.