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Chuck Colson is prejudiced, said Chuck Colson in 1973

by Jeremy Hooper

ColsonChuck Colson, February 13, 1973:

"We all try to not be prejudiced, but I've always had a little prejudice"
( click to play audio clip)
*AUDIO SOURCE: As Quoted -- Chuck Colson/Richard Nixon on Jews [NYT]

Chuck Colson, December 14, 2008:

"When I watched the violence on television, memories came back of earlier generations of thugs: Bull Conner, who, with the help of brutal cops, used violence and intimidation to chase African Americans out of the public square. Or roving gangs of Nazi brownshirts who ruled the streets of Germany during Hitler’s rise to power. Do opponents of Proposition 8 who attacked Mormons and their churches think they’re any better than Bull Conner, or nicer than Nazi thugs? I don’t." [SOURCE]

The kind of prejudicial record which makes us question the same Chuck Colson here in December of 2010:

Just last week...Apple decided to kill the iPhone app for the Manhattan Declaration. Why? Because it, quote “offended large groups of people.” End quote. Those people were gay activists who accuse the Manhattan Declaration of gay bashing, and, what else, promoting hate.

Anyone who’s read the Declaration knows that’s not so, but so much for civil discourse. More and more, rather than engage in a reasoned and civil discourse about the issues, backers of so-called “gay marriage” are determined to silence opposition. The methods range from judicial activism and censorship, to accusations of “hate.” But the goal remains the same: to shut down the debate.

Nearly half a million signers of the Manhattan Declaration have pledged to defend the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom. And one way to defend these principles is to stand up to the political bullying. And we will. But we will always respond in love to those who accuse us of hate.

Love? Uhm, no. Sorry, Chuck. But when it comes to gays, your prejudice is not yet water under the gate.

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